NCC Membership – Join & Renew

The NCC memberhsip scheme has been developed to become an all-inclusive offering membership for the whole coasteering community. This includes:

  • Coasteering activity providers/organisations
  • Coasteering guides working on a freelance basis
  • Individuals who have a passion for the activity

There are 3 types of membership

  • Associate Member
  • Indvidual Member
  • Full Member
Full membership Details & Benefits.....

Full membership is open to all coasteering providers, companies, and organisations from the UK and abroad.

This membership allows the member organisation to:

  • Have a voice in steering good practice within our industry
  • Have a vote on all matters discussed, debated and actioned against at the national meeting
  • Have ownership of all the NCC working documents
  • Opportunities to work with other National bodies such as AALS, HM Coastguard and RNLI teams for CPD and training
  • The opportunity to use the NCC logo on all advertising material
  • Input into the continual development of the 4 main guidance documents
  • Help from our supporters and members if a Provider is having a problem
  • A listing on the NCC website with full contact and location details
  • Organisation of and access to industry lead symposiums and workshops
  • 3 free staff places at any national symposium
  • The opportunity to advertise staff appointments, training courses and workshops on the NCC Facebook pages
Individual membership Details & Benefits.....

Individual Membership is open to all guides, assistant guides and freelancers who wish to be a part of the organisation.

This membership allows the individual member to:

  • Have a voice in steering good practice within our industry
  • Have a vote on all matters discussed, debated and actioned against at the national meeting
  • The opportunity to use the NCC logo on all advertising material
  • Input into the continual development of the 4 main guidance documents
  • Help from a wide range of sources should an issue occur
  • Advertise their services as freelancer guides or trainers on the NCC Facebook page
Associate membership Details & Benefits.....

Associate members gain the following benefits from membership:

  • A voice/vote at national meetings, once the organisation has been granted voting rights by the NCC committee.
  • Open access to any decision-making process within the NCC and potentially in a wider context
  • Access to potential members for their organisation at national and regional NCC meetings, as long as there is no conflict of interest between the “Associate member” and any other “NCC” member or organisation. To be monitored by the organisers.
  • Helps the NCC profile having members such as Insurance providers, equipment manufacturers etc.
  • Involved with the representative body for Coasteering in the UK and further afield
  • The Associate Member can be considered a part of and not excluded from the activity sector
  • They can assist with the skill set of members on a local and national level
  • Associate members are able to partake / interact with the NCC but do not provide Coasteering as their sole / primary business
  • Helps the Associate member be involved in the sector and gain an insight into the workings of providers etc.
  • Can help with extending the NCC message and membership.
Where can I find a coastering provider?

Follow the links from this website to your region and then select a provider from the list alternatively you can always Google coasteering with a location and a number of providers will come up.

New Members

Before sigining up for membership of the NCC

  • View the website to gain further details regarding the National Coasteering Charter.
  • Fully read the current Member Charter (link in sidebar). If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Admin Support on:
  • Then please complete the NCC membership application form below and submit it
  • Your annual membership will run from 1st April to the 31st March each year

NCC Member Charter

Renew Membership

If you are here to renew your membership please click on the sign in button below

Quotes & Testimonials

"'What was the favourite part of my coasteering experience? Where do I begin!? Firstly, the staff. Nathaniel and Phil were outstanding. Friendly, knowledgeable, highly experienced and did their utmost to make mine and my friends’ experience the best - and safest - it could be. Secondly, the scenery! Even the walk down to Dancing Ledge was a joy. And that was before you got to the activity… Thirdly, the coasteering itself! The route was ideal. Starting with smaller jumps and less challenging goals, the route gradually built towards more and more thrilling elements. I won’t give anything away here except to say: natural jacuzzis and sliding and scrambling through narrow canals, akin to reliving your own birth."

Coasteering in Eastern Scotland